Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Valentine's Day Shop - Volunteers Needed Thu 2/10 & Fri 2/11

Valentine's Day is approaching, and the PTA Valentine's Day shop will be open for students on-campus on Thursday 2/10 and Friday 2/11 during school hours. Teachers will be bringing their classes to the store, so we need volunteers to help set-up, run, and support young shoppers.

Most shifts last 1 hour (morning set-up 1.5 hours). Sign up (https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0e4daaaf28a3f5c52-valentines) for as many shifts as you're interested in.

Because the event is on-campus, the school is requiring that volunteers have (1) AUSD volunteer clearance, (2) COVID vaccinations, and (3) PTA membership.

If you can, please consider signing up to help. 🙂💕

#volunteersneeded #ValentinesDayshop #oncampus #ptalife #schoolfun