Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Teacher Mini Grants - Coming Soon!

Each year, the PTA offers teachers the opportunity to apply for extra funds to buy classroom resources or offer class activities and enrichment. ๐Ÿงช๐Ÿงฌ๐ŸŽจ๐Ÿ“˜
Your support & fundraising makes the Mini-Grant program possible! So as we launch this year's Mini-Grants program, we'll be taking a look back at some of the projects funded last year.
Our teachers used the funds in amazing ways! Today we're sharing photos from the 2nd graders' science enrichment activities. The teachers used PTA funds to bring-in 2 days of hands-on activities that reinforced what students were learning in science. So much fun!

The 5th grade teachers also reinforced their social studies lessons with a special Colonial Day! Students were able to engage in activities like the colonialists - calligraphy writing with quill & ink, games with marbles & yarn, dining practices & much more. Most importantly, bringing historical learning to life makes learning fun & memorable!

Many thanks to our teachers who plan and put on these amazing events! And thank YOU for taking the time to support the school through PTA fundraisers, activities & volunteering! It truly makes a difference for our students!