Monday, May 8, 2023

DI Program Check-in Tomorrow - Tue 5/9

The last DI Program Check-in of the year will be held tomorrow, Tuesday May 9 at 5:00 PM on Zoom. This is an opportunity for families to hear program updates from the school specific to the DI program. Families will also be able to ask questions or share concerns they have about the program. This is a wonderful opportunity to engage with Northrup School staff and administrators. 

Please RSVP and share some topics or questions you have (they usually use this to help prepare their presenation): ðŸ’»

Even if you cannot attend, you can fill out the RSVP form with your questions. There's a place to mark that you can't be there. But this will at least let the school know your thoughts and provide them with an opportunity to respond.

And even if you don't RSVP, please join the meeting online. The Zoom link was sent in the Principal's weekly newsletter.